Thursday, September 15, 2011

Water Shortage Video


I found an interesting video to introduce you some of the problems regarding the world's clean water shortage and one man's innovation to help solve the problem. It is from one of the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Conferences - which I find fascinating and often moving. There are tons of clips on if you'd like to watch more - they have a wide variety of topics. Also, has other options.

After you watch the video, work in your teams to research charities for us to support!

Monday, September 5, 2011

TED and Spoken Word Meet

At the 2011 TED Conference, Sarah Kay was invited to speak. She is a fantastic Spoken Word Poetry artist who I think deserves some attention. Unlike the previous TED video I posted - which was technical, this "talk" is more artistic and heart-felt. I was moved by spoken word poetry for the first time earlier this summer when I ran across the young man who performed at the White House. I was watching a variety of TED talks this weekend and found this young woman. Again, I was moved. I think the teacher in me related to the teacher in her and the artist in me related to the artist in her. I found several of the other talks interesting and also moving - but this one was my favorite. I hope you enjoy it and my next post will take us back to my male singer kick! :)

It is a bit long... so wait until you have 20 minutes!