Monday, August 1, 2011

TED Conference

Two summers ago, I randomly watched this documentary on Netflix streaming about the TED conference. It is basically a high profile meeting of the minds, where everyone presents their ideas/creations/projects/discoveries and networks with one another. This year, I was on Hulu and stumbled across this clip. I think it is a fascinating concept and something I think I've believed in and practiced on some level for awhile - now I feel I have full permission to go with this. Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. So I finally watched this and think that you totally have permission to go with trial and error. I'm pretty sure this is what I grew up with.

    My dad has a high school diploma but acts like an engineer. One night, he was trying to design a log grapple but he couldn't figure out where to place the pivot points to make it work. So he made it out of cardboard and tried as many points as he could until he found the right ones. The next day he built it at his welding shop and it still works to this day as far as I know.
